Auditing Privacy Defenses in Federated Learning via Generative Gradient Leakage
- Code is available on github
- Federated learning was initially presented as a fully privacy-preserving decentralized learning paradigm, never sharing raw data between participants and the server.

Soon after its proposal, attacks designed to extract information from the transmitted local updates were developed, the most notable being Deep Leakage from Gradients1, but working efficiently on small-sized inputs only.
The authors propose a new type of attack, Generative Gradient Leakage, leveraging external data server-side to train a generative model used to regularize a gradient inversion attack.

- They show promising results attacking federated frameworks training on ImageNet and CelebA, reconstructing a large image from a gradient.

Threat model
- Honest-but-curious server. It behaves normally, but will try its best to infer private information from what is accessible to it, models and degraded local updates.
- Participants apply a variety of local defense mechanisms,
- Access to external data server-side from the same distribution as participants.
Problem definition
- \(x\in\mathbb{R}^{h\times w}\) an image with associated class label \(c\),
- \(F(x)=\nabla_{\theta}\mathcal{L}(f_{\theta}(x),c)\) the gradient of \(x\) with respect to parameters \(\theta\in\mathbb{R}^p\) of a network \(f_{\theta}\),
- \(y=\mathcal{T}(F(x))\) a gradient degraded by the defence transformation \(\mathcal{T}\),
- \(w: \mathbb{R}^{h\times w}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) an image prior defining the likelihood of an image,
- \(\mathcal{D}: \mathbb{R}^p\times\mathbb{R}^p\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) a distance metric between gradients,
- \(G: \mathbb{R}^k\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{h\times w}\) a generative network trained on external data server-side,
- \(\mathcal{R}(G;z)\) a regularization term, penalizing latent vector \(z\) when deviating from the prior distribution.
Previous formulation1
\[x^* = \underset{x\in\mathbb{R}^{h\times d}}{argmin\ } \underbrace{\mathcal{D}(y, F(x))}_\text{gradient matching loss} + \underbrace{\lambda \omega(x)}_\text{regularization}\]Novel formulation
\[z^* = \underset{z\in\mathbb{R}^{k}}{argmin\ } \underbrace{\mathcal{D}(y, \mathcal{T}(F(G(z))))}_\text{gradient matching loss} + \underbrace{\lambda \mathcal{R}(G; z)}_\text{regularization}\]Method
Analytical label inference
For networks with a fully connected classification head using sigmoid or ReLu activation functions trained with cross-entropy loss on one-hot labels, the label can be inferred through the index of the negative entry of the gradient with respect to this layer.
Gradient Transformation Estimations
Gradient Clipping: Given a perturbation \(\mathcal{T}(w, S) = w/\text{max}(1,\frac{||w||_2}{S})\), estimate the clipping bound \(S\) as the \(l_2\) norm at each layer,
Gradient Sparsification: Given a perturbation \(\mathcal{T}(w,p) = y \odot \mathcal{M}\) with \(\mathcal{M}\) a mask with pruning rate \(p\), simply estimate \(\mathcal{M}\) using the zero entries of the gradient.
Gradient Matching Losses
Squared \(l_2\) norm
\[\mathcal{D}(y, \tilde{y}) = ||y - \tilde{y}||^2_2\]Cosine similarity
\[\mathcal{D}(y, \tilde{y}) = 1 - \frac{<y,\tilde{y}>}{||y||_2||\tilde{y}||_2}\]Regularization Terms
KL-based regularization (with \(\mu_i\) and \(\sigma_i\) the element-wise mean and standard deviation)
\[\mathcal{R}(G;z)=-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^k(1+\text{log}(\sigma_i^2)-\mu_i^2-\sigma_i^2)\]Norm-based regularization
\[\mathcal{R}(G;z) = (||z||^2_2-k)^2\]Optimization Strategies
- Adam
- Bayesian optimization (trust region BO (TuRBO))
- Covariance matrix Adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES)
Federated learning and attack setup
- Binary Gender Classification with CelebA, 32x32,
- 1000-classes Image Classification with ImageNet ILSVRC 2012, 224x224.
- Federated : Resnet-18,
- Generative model : DCGAN for CelebA, BigGAN for ImageNet.
Data split
- GAN trained on training sets of CelebA (162k) and ImageNet,
- FL task performed on the validation sets.
Evaluation metrics
- Mean Square Error - Image Space (MSE-I),
- Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR),
- Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) (measured by a VGG network),
- Mean Square Error - Representation Space (MSE-R) (the feature vector before the final classification layer)
Defence schemes
- Additive Noise: inject a Gaussian noise \(\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2I)\) to the gradients with \(\sigma = 0.1\),
- Gradient Clipping: clip the values of the gradients with a bound of \(S = 4\),
- Gradient Sparsification: perform magnitude-based pruning on the gradients to achieve 90% sparsity,
- Soteria: gradients are generated on the perturbed representation with a pruning rate of 80%.
Losses and regularizations

- Squared \(l_2\) norm with KLD regularization used in further experiments.
- The numbers of updates are set to 2500, 1000, and 800 for Adam, BO and CMA-ES respectively.

- Adam works better for CelebA (aligned images), but struggles for ImageNet, highly dependent of the initialization.
- CMA-ES works better for ImageNet, finding good latent vectors in the high dimensional latent space of the trained GAN.
Comparison to SOTA and effect of defences

- Clearly outperforms previous reconstruction attacks on all metrics and most defence mechanisms,
- It is limited by the trained GAN, requiring a high amount of public or “leaked” data and hard-constraining the reconstructed image to be generatable by GAN.
The authors show promising results attacking federated frameworks training on ImageNet and CelebA, reconstructing a large image from a gradient.
This work must be seen as a valuable proof of concept: the assumptions are extremely strong, limiting its applicability in real contexts, but the idea is quite appealing, opening a whole new spectrum of gradient inversion techniques.